Sunday, 9 August 2009

One down, nine to go!

Well, it's almost the end of the first week of my training schedule and I'm pretty much on track although I still need to squeeze one more run in before the end of the weekend, trouble is it's quite hot out and I am full of pub lunch...

I started the week well on Monday evening with a four mile run in my shiny new trainers out to Farnborough church, across the fields and back home along the bridlepath, all completed in 40 minutes. Then Tuesday evening was running club, where we did around 6.5 miles in 65 minutes, with several re-grouping stops - did make a slight error though by wearing my old trainers, because I didn't want to get my new ones dirty in case we ended up somewhere muddy, which then proceeded to rub and gave me a blister. :-(

On Wednesday I decided to have a rest from running and went for a swim instead - good preparation for the 'Clash of the Tritons' aquathlon which Mr W and I are doing next Saturday morning. Thursday started off fine but by home time from work it was looking decidedly grey outside and thus I ended up having a very wet and short run with a friend who's just getting back into running, before going to Bodybalance. Have been doing the latest release of this for about a month now and really enjoying it - some of it is quite challenging but the music this time round is great and helps you forget quite how much pain you are in as you stand in Warrior poses for what seems like forever!

No sport though since Thursday as we've been entertaining the family, instead we've been eating lots, enjoying the sunshine and doing a bit of geocaching. Can't put it off much longer though and will have to put on my lycra and head out shortly....

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