I have been thinking about entering a half-marathon for a while, but for various reasons have never quite got round to it. Then last year all reports on the first Royal Parks Half Marathon were positive and I thought maybe I could do that this year...
Fast forward a few months and I have secured a place for the event on 11th October 2009 through Cancer Research UK, Mr zoecakes has also signed up and agreed to run with me and provide suitable encouragement as I attempt my first half marathon, and now I realise that I have a little over 10 weeks to get in shape and raise my agreed sponsorship total for Cancer Research. So what do I do? I start a blog to talk about it and share my trials and tribulations with my supporters - heaven forbid I should actually do some running!
It's not all panic stations yet though - I have printed out a 10 week training schedule from the Runners World website and since I don't need to start following it until next week there are no guilty feelings yet about missing a training session. I have just survived a 10k race in Deal, although towards the end I did start to wonder how I would be able to run double the distance in just a couple of months. And I am also in the process of setting up a fundraising page, so all in all maybe things will be ok!
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